CPCBA: An inclusive North Boroughs faith community

Celebrating Christmas with our annual pageant.

Pastor Heather greets family and friends after her installation service on Sunday, Nov. 17, 2024.

We spent a day working at the Rosalinda Sauro Sirianni Garden in Bellevue. Produce goes to the North Hills Community Outreach.

Don and Heather offer communion.

Our kids love to have a good time.

Our love for music shows up during our annual Jazz Fest on the front lawn.

Heather leads us in song at the beginning of her first sermon as our new pastor.

Tim guided several large pieces of donated furniture up a series of steps to the home of a newly arrived Afghan family.

Larry sings a prelude, with Dutch providing accompaniment on piano.

People of all ages join us for Sunday morning worship.

We’ve begun a new chapter in our long history by welcoming Rev. Heather Schoenewolf as our pastor. We look forward to our journey together with optimism, joy and faith as we continue to “bring Christ to our community and our community to Christ. “ Read more.
The answer is in our name. We’re Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon, and our community includes all who yearn to explore faith and what it calls us to do for all of our neighbors. We invite everyone to ‘Come just as you are… become the person you were created to be.’
Our services begin at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. All are welcome to join us in person or on livestream.
See our full calendar of events.
What have we been up to? Here’s a look.
Member Judy Pastor shot video the day Cassie and the kids brought some balloon fun to a Sunday morning service.
Here are some other recent highlights

Nancy leads children in a song during a luncheon honoring those who volunteer to teach Sunday school and to work in the nursery.

Parents watch as their children sing during a luncheon honoring those who volunteer to teach Sunday school and to work in the nursery.

Luminaires lighted the church walkways on Christmas Eve.

Pastor Heather at the Communion Table.

Tim’s sons provided some beautiful accompaniment.

Steve lights the candle.

Candlelight sets to tone as we celebrate Jesus’ birth.

Candlelight sets to tone as we celebrate Jesus’ birth.

Candlelight sets to tone as we celebrate Jesus’ birth.

A number of families recorded the event to share with friends and relatives.

Lots of children had reading roles.

Pastor Heather leads the finale.

Children help as we decorate the tree in the Narthex.

Assembling the tree in the Narthex requires a team.

Brenda leans into the task of adding bulbs to a tree in the sanctuary.

Ed uses his height to great advantage while helping to decorate our tree for Christmas and Advent.

During Pastor Heather’s installation on Sunday, Nov. 17, The Rev. Sarah Robbins and Rev. Ben Robbins prepare for the Litany of Gifts. At right stands Pastor Heather.

Members of the commission and the pastor nominating committee surround Pastor Heather during the installation service.

Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt delivers a sermon while Pastor Heather listens.

The Rev. Ralph Lowe gives the charge to the congregation.

Church members help move donated furniture from our garage to homes of those newly arrived in Pittsburgh.

Church members help move donated furniture from our garage to homes of those newly arrived in Pittsburgh.

Church members help move donated furniture from our garage to homes of those newly arrived in Pittsburgh.

Church members help move donated furniture from our garage to homes of those newly arrived in Pittsburgh.

After moving furniture, we shared tea and snacks.

Susan's term as our interim pastor came to an end on Sunday, Sept. 8. Chris showed the church's appreciation by presenting Susan with a picture of the church, and statement of thanks from session.

We were thrilled to hear and see the choir again when Sunday morning worship services returned to the Sanctuary on Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024.

Tim asked the entire congregation to help sing the chancel choir anthem on Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024.

Our front lawn was packed with people enjoying great music and food. Proceeds from this year's event benefited Foundation HOPE.

Pecas, a volunteer therapy dog for Foundation HOPE's grief support groups, hangs out and enjoys the music.

Pastor Susan led us in prayer before the event got underway. Proceeds from this year's event benefited Foundation HOPE.

Brian helps out in the kitchen.

Tim played keyboards with the band. Proceeds from this year's event benefited Foundation HOPE.

Tarra add beautiful vocals to a number of songs. Proceeds from this year's event benefited Foundation HOPE.

Misaq invited us to join several family members and friends from Afghanistan, who'd prepared a wonderful meal.

Several of us moved furniture Marti donated to our friends arriving from Afghanistan.

Several of us moved furniture Marti donated to our friends arriving from Afghanistan.

We watched little Leeda's baptism while parents Tarra and Andrii and grandparents looked on.

We welcome Tarra as a new member.

A procession of children brought flowers into the sanctuary to start the service.

Linda partakes of communion, with Susan service.

Don built a fire to keep us warm

Young and old bow their heads together on Easter Sunday.

Michael and Chris serve by intinction.

Cassie leads this part of the service.

It’s our tradition that children perform this duty.

Pastor Susan leads Communion.

Music has always been one of our strong traditions.

We’re grateful for the support of our members and the community.

We love seeing families with children in our sanctuary.

Mitzi partakes, with Judy and Bruce offering the elements.

Tad, Brooke and Larry catch up after a worship service in the sanctuary.

Tim fills the sanctuary with music during worship.

Barbara is at her usual duties, coordinating offering and counting those in attendance.

Cassie traditonally leads this part of the service.

Chris greets Patti, Ashley and Frank.

Mark steps up as Steve and Susan serve.

Light poured into the sanctuary for our Sunday morning service on Feb. 25, 2024.

As she does every week, Barb carefully counts those in attendance.

All family members step up to care for the youngest during Sunday morning services.

Listen to our podcast: “Hill By the River”
In the latest episodes, host Judy Pastor talks with Cassie Semler, Director of Faith Formation, about the activities planned in December to celebrate Christmas, and new pastor Heather Schoenewolf discusses her background and the experience she brings to CPCBA.