

Welcome to our Online Church Directory, a secure, interactive photo directory for our CPCBA family!  This webpage includes information about the Online Church Directory software product, how to access and personalize your own information, and who to contact for help. 

The directory includes photos and contact information of the CPCBA members, staff and active friends of the congregation and the directory is password-protected.  Each family has been assigned a unique username and password for accessing the online directory.  If you are a CPCBA member and don’t know your username and password, please send an email to

The online directory is accessible on your computer and even has a user-friendly app that you can download to your phone.

Watch this introductory video (less than 2 mins!) from



To access the directory

  1. Go to the CTRN website

  2. To find your username and CTRN issued password, find the introductory email you received with the subject line “A sign in account was created for you.” 

  3. If you did not receive the email, please contact

The email includes instructions for accessing the directory, logging on, changing your password and tutorial links to updating your profile. 

Changing your password

Upon accessing your profile for the first time, please change your password.  We recommend you choose a strong password that include letters, numbers and symbols.

  1. Click on My Profile tab

  2. Enter your new password in the password field.

  3. Click Update 

If you forget your username and/or password, please send an email to

Instructions can also be found below or in this video: Updating Your Profile


Updating your personal information

  1. With the Families tab selected, click the letter on the right for your family’s last name, navigate to your family, and click the name or the photo.

  2. Check the information in the text boxes for your family and update as necessary. Keep in mind this is NOT the official church database, this is what you choose to share with others.

  3. To change information about you personally (even if your “family” consists of just you), scroll down, and under Family Members click your name. Update any information you wish in the text boxes. You can also update information for others in your family with this method.

Updating Photos

Each family is asked to submit a family photo as well as individual photos for the members.  Individual photos are not required for children unless they are members 18 years or older.

To Update your Family Photo:

  1. With the Families tab selected, click the letter on the right for your family’s last name, and navigate to your family, and click the name or the photo.

  2. Hover over “Change Photo” and select “Upload New Photo”

  3. Click “Choose a Photo” and navigate to the location on your computer of the family photo you want to use

  4. Crop the photo as best you can and click “Update”

To Update your Individual Photos

  1. With the Families tab selected, click the letter on the right for your family’s last name, and navigate to your family

  2. Scroll down to Family Members and click the individual family member photo you wish to update

  3. Hover over “Change Photo” and select “Upload New Photo”

  4. Click “Choose a Photo” and navigate to the location on your computer of the individual photo you want to use

  5. Crop the photo as best you can and click “Update”

Important Links

Link to CTRN Video introducing the online directory:

Link for Church Directory:


To access the mobile app:

  1. Go to your mobile app store

  2. Search for “CTRN Online Directory”

  3. Download the app to your mobile device

  4. Enter the mobile code - “cpcba”

  5. Enter your username and password and click “Go”


Why would we want an online directory?

  • The directory is easy to navigate and use.

  • Members have 24/7 access to an updated directory (unlike paper directories that are almost immediately out of date),

  • It can be printed for members who don’t have online access.


  • Information is up to date and easily accessible on your computer or mobile device.

  • Members can update their photo and contact information for themselves and their immediate family.

  • Groups can be created in the directory and there is no limit on the number (i.e., committees, prayer groups, book study groups, etc.).


  • Members control the information they choose to share in the directory.  They can add or delete information at any time, change their password or even delete their account.

  • The directory utilizes SSL for secure communication. Your information is password protected, encrypted and safe.

  • The privacy policy is front and center on your directory’s log-in page for members to view.