Survey of Church members - in-person church activities
Summary of Survey Responses
The CPCBA Coronavirus Task Force conducted surveys in early June and mid-July 2020 with questions (listed below) concerning attitudes of our church community about returning to in-person activities on the church property. The survey in June generated 80 responses; the July survey has 49 as of the latest update (July 22). It’s truly gratifying that so many of our community value their connection to our church enough to answer the questions!
Survey Highlights:
Worship Indoors: No interest (majority fairly/very unlikely, nobody fairly or very likely)
Worship Outdoors: Mixed
Meetings Indoors: Little interest
Meetings Outdoors: Mixed
With these responses, the task force is continuing to refrain from indoors group activities. The possibility of outdoor activities continues to be explored; however, with a large number of people indicating that they will be unlikely to participate, even if the activity is outdoors, the Task Force is cognizant that we need to continue to make available an "at-home" experience that is commensurate with the experience of those who choose to attend in person.
In the July survey, a question was added, asking how attitudes have changed since the June survey. These two comments capture the variety of views and the personal conflict experienced by many in this time.
"The increase in cases over the last few weeks has me feeling more conservative about getting together. Also, I'm really now realizing that we may be living like this for many many months more, so I'm trying to emotionally get to a place where this is my "new normal" for quite awhile."
"Only change is, I may be more inclined to attend a small group Bible study, with distancing. Mainly because I felt I need some social contact and a Bible study. "
If you would like to share your opinions on these questions, please take the latest survey here.
If you have feedback, questions, or concerns about the responses and the work of the Task Force, please send an email to and one of us will get in touch with you.
Thank you!
Summary of Responses by Question
1.) With the restrictions recommended by public health agencies (limited number of attendees, required masks, physical distancing, no singing, no sharing hymnals or Bibles) how likely are you to attend public worship services inside the church building (sanctuary / fellowship hall)?
June 2020 survey - question 1
July 2020 survey - question 1
2.) How likely would you be to attend in-person worship services held outside (e.g., front church lawn, local park), noting that physical distancing, refraining from singing, and other recommended precautions would still apply?
June 2020 survey - question 2
July 2020 survey - question 2
3.) In-person meetings of small groups are permitted under the green phase (masks required, physical distancing, no food, etc.). How likely are you to participate in person in Bible Study, committee meetings, etc. if held in the church building (e.g., fellowship hall, conference room)?
June 2020 survey - question 3
July 2020 survey - question 3
4.) How likely are you to attend small group (Bible Study, meetings, etc.) meetings if held outdoors?
June 2020 survey - question 4
July 2020 survey - question 4
5.) How effective has communication from the church been in keeping you informed of our status and how we are making decisions?
June 2020 survey - question 5
July 2020 survey - question 5
Questions added in the July 2020 survey
6.) Our last survey was in early June. Please comment on how your views about in-person gatherings have changed -- or not -- since then.
Comments varied — the task force is incorporating them into our considerations.
7.) Did you attend the June Prayer Vigil for Justice on the church front lawn?
49% of the respondents attended. Their comments also will be incorporated into the task force considerations.