CPCBA Legacy Giving

What is Legacy Giving? Legacy Giving is also known as Planned Giving, Deferred Giving, or making a Bequest. Legacy Gifts are typically deferred and not distributed to the church until after the donor passes away and their estate plans have been executed.

How are Legacy Gifts made? Bequests are the most popular kind of Legacy Giving and are simple to create. The donor simply makes an addition to their will naming the church as the recipient of a flat amount of money, a percentage of their estate, or the remainder of their estate. Life insurance policies, and various types of annuities and trusts can also be used in Legacy Giving.

If you would like more information about Legacy Giving, please contact Steve Fockler @ 412-302-5648. Thank you.

Click here to view a 2-minute video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R74frathZ5LM_3a5YIf_ZnBzxqiPpvI1/view?pli=1