Spring Has Sprung at CPCBA. Let’s Celebrate!

As we move through the Easter season that began on Resurrection Sunday and continues through Pentecost, we invite you to celebrate the season with us!

Sundays in April and May until Pentecost

10:30 a.m.

In the sanctuary and on the livestream

  ·         Join us for worship each Sunday as we consider the difference Jesus’ resurrection makes in our lives and in our world!

  ·         During Sunday school, our school-aged children will be thinking about resurrection and transformation that happens when caterpillars become butterflies.

They will be tracking the progress of their real life cocoons!

Sunday, May 19

Pentecost Sunday

10:30 a.m.

In the sanctuary and on the livestream

 ·         Our beloved Rev. Dr. Jean Henderson will be preach and lead worship on the day we celebrate the Holy Spirit – the mighty and mischievous wind of God that blows

through our lives and nudges our steps to bring peace, love, and joy to a hurting world.

Check out our church calendar under “About Us” for more information about worship, study, and other activities at CPCBA.

Come as you are.

Find the inspiration you seek.

Become the person God created you to be.

You are always welcome in this place.