Election Prayer

"God bless" by okandasan is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Dear friends,

In this charged political election season, I offer this prayer.  At a time when we are divided one from another, let us remember that Scripture reminds us that we should all be called children of God, for that is what we are.

Brian Wallace, from Pittsburgh Presbytery reminds us:  Among these unprecedented times, our nation is engaged in one of the hallmarks of our democracy: a Presidential election.  Since 1789, our country has held elections in all manner of circumstances with a dizzying array of outcomes, including unanimous elections (see 1789), hotly contested elections (see 1876), and bizarre elections (see 2000 with the infamous hanging chads). There is, however, no election in our modern lifetimes like the one that our nation is currently participating in.  Fear, on multiple fronts, is running high as we approach election day.  

So let us approach the throne of the one who rules over all, and offer our prayer, O God of mercy, hear our prayer,  bring peace to earth again.

Lord of all, Lord of conscience, Lord of love, we lament the state of our life together. We sow division rather than seek unity.  We demonize instead of love one another. How did we get to this place?  How will we ever bridge the gaps between us?  Where do we go from here?

We know, gracious God that we cannot mend all the torn places in the fabric of our country. 

The rips are too big, the ongoing pulling apart too strong.  

We know, too, almighty God, that nothing is impossible for you.  

You bring close those far off from you and those apart from one another.  

You promise to do abundantly more than we can ever hope or imagine. 

You call us to bold ministries of repair and reconciliation, justice and  mercy.  

You command us to love our neighbors, love our enemies, love in ways inexplicably and immeasurably powerful through your Spirit. 

Gracious God, we thank you that as citizens of this great nation, we have the opportunity to cast our vote for a leader of our democracy.  

We pray for peace and safety at our polling places, particularly for the churches of our Presbytery that serve as polling places.

We pray for churches made up of people who vote differently, that they might find their unity in Christ.

We pray for an orderly and fair processing of the election results.

We pray for a peaceful continuance or transfer of Presidential power.  

As we vote and wait, pray and work, may we follow Jesus Christ so closely that we cannot help but see him everywhere and in all people.  

Pour out your power, show us your way, turn us toward you and heal our nation.

We pray in the strong and sure name of Jesus Christ, who said, “All authority in heaven and on earth belongs to me,” and he also promised, “I will be with you always to the end of time.”

May it be so. Amen.

God bless you and God bless the United States of America

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