April Pastor Letter
Dear Friends,
I had planned to write this April letter about our sabbatical to begin in May. On my sabbatical, I had plans to travel and study, to read and write, to listen to my family’s story, to rest and to renew my spirit. And there were plans for you, as a congregation, to change from busy programming to prayer, and to focus on worshiping and fellowshipping together, to renew your spirit. Well, these plans will have to wait. I will not be taking a sabbatical this summer. I need to--and want to--be right here, with you, during this tumultuous time.
The coronavirus has not only put our plans on hold, but has shut down our schools, workplaces, museums, libraries, stores, and parks. And this public health pandemic has even prevented us from worshiping together in our beloved church sanctuary. In this time of worry over getting sick and wondering when this will be over, we need strength for each day and hope for a brighter tomorrow. And there is only one place we can find that…
Jesus says, “Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me” (John 15:4).
At a time when his disciples were fretful and forgetting their faith, Jesus used the word “Abide.”
Abide means “to conform to, accept without objection.” In this time, we are abiding by these rules of social distancing.
Abide means “to remain fixed in a state” or “to continue in a place.” We need to continue to heed the recommendations of the public health and government authorities to abide at home.
Abide also means “to endure without yielding” or “to bear patiently.” Without an end to this quarantine in sight, how can we endure, let alone bear patiently?
Jesus reminds us that we do not do it alone. He says, “Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” Jesus is promising to be with us, as we continue to be in relationship with him. During this trying time, we need more than ever to stay connected to our source of hope and healing. We need to nurture this relationship of trust. But how can we do this when the church is closed?
I bring you good news. The church is not closed. Far from it. It is open--virtually. Here are some things we are doing to help you abide with Jesus and abide with your beloved family of faith:
1. Live Streaming Worship Services: We also upload the bulletin and hymns, so you can follow along and worship fully every Sunday at 10:30 am.
2. Bible Study: We are meeting via zoom Wednesdays at 10:00 am and 7:00 pm in increased numbers. If you’ve never tried it, you are welcome to join us!
3. One Day at a Time: A devotion is emailed daily to offer words of encouragement and hope. Feel free to share with other friends, family, or neighbors.
4. Prayer List: We are receiving prayer requests on our website and praying for people and their concerns. Let us pray for one another. There is power in prayer!
5. Community Church Angels: We are seeking to match Angel Givers and Angel Receivers, to help neighbors in need. Fill out the online form to help activate the angel network.
6. People in need: Deacons have stocked our church freezer with meals, and we have some canned goods in our church kitchen. I also have gift cards for grocery stores. So please let me know if you or someone you know is in need of food. Please don’t come to the church, but call me or Tracey first to make arrangements safely.
7. Keep In Touch: Elders and Deacons are calling church members to check on them and make sure they are okay, and see if they need anything. I encourage you, too, to reach out and offer encouragement to others. If you need an updated directory, call Tracey at 412-761-1233.
8. Lenten Les Mis small groups: People are meeting via zoom, and we may be starting other small groups soon. Stay tuned.
9. Photo sharing: We are gathering pictures of you and your family (saying “peace be with you”), and where you see glimpses of grace, or hints of hope in the world. We will put them in a slideshow before worship, so we can see one another as a virtual gathering of our community. Send photos to Photos@cpcba.org.
10. Time with the Children: Each week, I put a picture on the website, which kids can print out and color, to help them stay connected. You can see the kids with their pictures on the website to brighten your day.
11. Sunday School: Parents receive an email with a lesson each week to help their children continue to grow in faith.
12. Confirmation Class and Youth Group: Youth are continuing to meet and learn through virtual meetings on Sunday afternoons.
13. New Members and New Officers: People wanting to join our church and to be ordained as officers are doing online training at home. Once we are back, we will meet in person and then schedule the time to meet with Session and the congregation. We give thanks for our church growth and gifts!
14. Mission and Outreach: We are still working with our mission partners to respond to needs in our community. Your continued donations to the church (by mail or online) will help us continue to be the church God calls us to be: to bring Christ to our community and to bring our community to Christ. Thank you for your generosity!
Friends, Jesus calls us to abide in him--and with one another--and in so doing, promises to give us the strength we need for the challenges we face each day, and hope for a brighter tomorrow.
One of my favorite hymns is Abide with Me, because in good times and in bad, it offers us hope we can hold onto:
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide;
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me.
Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;
Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see—
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you--and abide with you--this day, and all of your days, and even forever more,
Pastor Donna