Does Green Mean Go? Church Building Closure Update

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Dear Friends,

As Allegheny County moves to the green designation, many of you are probably wondering whether we are going to resume public worship in our sanctuary or hold activities in the church building. To most of us, green means “go”! But there are still restrictions and risks we need to address to keep our congregation and visitors safe and healthy.

The COVID-19 Task Force is working hard to assess our readiness to reopen and make recommendations that advance our mission while keeping us all safe. I have seen joy, hope and encouragement as people come together and pray in new ways, and while they might not have all the positive elements of in-person connection, the sense of routine and consistency has had positive outcomes across the board, helping people stay connected to God and to each other.

We know that some of you will be fearlessly anxious to gather soon, while others may take some time before feeling comfortable returning to the church. We’re not quite ready to fling the doors wide open, and although we don’t know exactly what life will be like after the dust settles from the pandemic, we are looking at creative options that ease us into a new state of normalcy.

One concrete decision I can report on is that Session has passed guidelines for staff and visitors in the church building. Following the CDC/Department of Health regulations, the policy requires the following:

• Face masks must be worn when entering and working in any space on the church premises. Staff will wear masks, unless working alone in their office.

• In order to maintain a safe social distance, 6-foot marks will be identified and observed in each office, most critically in the front office.

• A sign will be posted at the side entrance to the church, and also at every office, notifying all visitors and staff of the requirement to wear a mask.

• Everyone, including staff, who enters the building will be required complete the “Visitor Information Sheet," which will help us with contract tracing and notification, should someone test positive for COVID-19.

A very important part of preparing our next steps is hearing from you. We’ve prepared a short survey to help us understand your readiness to worship and meet together in person. This feedback from you will be critical in our planning and will ensure that we are listening and responding to what you, our congregation need and want. The survey was sent to you by email and it is also on our website. So please take just a few minutes to complete this survey – every voice needs to be heard and every opinion matters!

This is a difficult time for us all. I am most eager for us to be back together with you all, but I want to exercise wisdom and caution and faith.

Scripture reminds us: Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer (Romans 12:12).

Let us be patient in suffering being apart, but persevere in prayer, and always rejoice in hope, as we look forward to the day when we will all be together again to worship the God who is with us always.

Be well and God bless you,

Pastor Donna