A Prayer for our Country
Almighty, All-loving God,
in the beginning you created the world
and all of us human beings and called us good.
We come before you to worship you,
for you are worthy of honor and praise.
You’ve go the whole world in your hand,
and for that we are grateful.
In the fullness of time, to show us your great love,
You sent your son,
to show us how to follow and walk in the way of justice and love.
And for that we are grateful.
Almighty, All-loving God,
In this time,
we live in a country,
where there was a peaceful transfer of power in the inauguration of new President,
and where “we the people” came together to demonstrate their power, their commitment to all the people, especially minorities, and their love for country and one another.
And for that we are grateful.
But, we are a divided nation, a divided people, and so we pray…
Almighty and All-loving God,
you made us in your own image
and redeemed us through Jesus your Son.
Look with compassion on the whole human family,
take away the arrogance and hatred that infect our hearts,
break down the walls that separate us,
unite us in the bonds of love, and,
through our struggle and confusion,
work to accomplish your purposes on earth.
Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit
may so move every human heart,
that the barriers which divide us may crumble,
suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease,
and that, with our divisions healed,
we might live in justice and peace;
and that in your good time,
all nations and races may serve you in harmony
around your heavenly throne;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who called us all to follow,
and walks with us every step of the way,