Session Highlights for July 2020

Vespers on the lawn

Vespers on the lawn

We welcome our newest elders to Session:  Joe Angelelli, Lila deKlaver, Marty Houser (who is continuing after filling an unexpired term), and Phil Kerstetter.  Their committee assignments are:  Joe – Mission & Outreach, Lila – Fellowship and Engagement, Marty – Faith Formation (formerly Christian Ed), and Phil – Property.  We look forward to working with them over the next few years!

Session continues to meet bi-weekly and met twice in July.  During the regular meetings (third Tuesday of the month), the committees provide reports highlighting their activities (and most committees are very active despite the building being closed!). 

At each Session meeting, the COVID Task Force presents an update, and this month most of the discussion centered around the reopening of the Wooden Ladder (“WL”) Preschool in September.  Members of the Task Force have been meeting with the WL lead teachers and the WL board secretary throughout the summer to develop plans for reopening the school safely.  A health and safety plan, a detailed cleaning and disinfecting plan, and a Parental Acknowledgement and Disclosure Agreement were created and approved by the Task Force and presented to Session for review.  The Task Force’s recommendation also considered the results of a survey by WL indicating that the majority of parents would send their children, provided that acceptable safety procedures are implemented. On July 21, Session approved the reopening with the stipulation that external conditions will be monitored, and WL will follow the advice of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, state and local public health officials, and the Avonworth School District.  This decision was not an easy one, but based on all of the safety measures being implemented and the desire of the teachers and board to hold classes, Session agreed to reopen.

And speaking of school starting, the Outreach committee requested approval to use the outdoor space to collect back to school items for our partner, North Hills Community Outreach.  Session approved the request to “Fill an SUV” with school supplies donated by our friends and members. 

 Please congratulate our latest CPCBA newlyweds, Deb and Joe Stuligross!  At the July 21st meeting, Session approved the wedding of Deb and Joe, who married on July 28 in the Sanctuary with Pastor Donna presiding.

Elder Deb Stuligross (formerly Sadowski) presented a proposal to improve the Sunday worship which involves relocating the AV equipment to the back side of the sanctuary.  This plan will allow two A/V operators (camera/sound and computer) to follow social distance guidelines and to be out of the way of sanctuary entry/exit during the period when sanctuary worship resumes but coronavirus precautions are necessary.  Session approved the plan to relocate the A/V setup which is expected to cost less than $500.

Any questions, please send an email to    Please stay healthy and be safe!


Diana Petruska
Clerk of Session