August and September Session Highlights
Pumpkin Launching during October Youth Group Gathering (Not a Session Meeting)
Session met twice in August and received updates from the COVID Task Force at each meeting. The Task Force updated Session on the final plans for reopening Wooden Ladder and approved Friday night vespers on the lawn with face masks and social distancing. Neighbors were notified via email of the plans.
We welcomed new members Harold (Dutch) and Anna Noll via Zoom!
Session received an update on the CARE Team’s (Community Alliance on Racial Equity) activities. As a Matthew 25 church, we have committed to embracing the “Dismantling structural racism” by “applying our faith to break down the systems and practices underlying racism. The PCUSA organized a “Week of Action” ” from Aug. 24-30, a week-long show of support for, and solidarity with, anti-racism efforts in the US sponsored by the Presbyterian Church USA and Session approved a motion to support the Week of Action through a number of actions including One Day at a Time messages, working on a food distribution effort with another community church, and a Friday vespers service featuring black spiritual music.
Session also approved a motion to display racial equity signs on the church’s front lawn with scripturally based messages to show our support of anti-racism efforts.
The Personnel Committee made a motion to approve the hiring of an assistant teacher for Wooden Ladder and the Worship & Music Committee presented a motion to keep the Sunday worship service at 10 am, both of which were approved.
Session held its regular meeting on September 15, beginning with a quick update from the COVID Task Force followed by spiritual nourishment which is a part of every meeting. The only motion approved was the consent agenda – previous minutes, changes to the rolls, and the pastor’s study leave. The rest of the meeting was devoted to a finance presentation by Elder Smith who provided an overview of historical giving, membership and endowment levels as well as our current and projected financial picture.
Beginning in October, the Session will be studying the book entitled, “Waking up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race” throughout the next few months. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2020.
Any questions, please send an email to Please stay healthy and be safe!
Diana Petruska
Clerk of Session