Session Highlights for April and May 2021


Session met four times in April and May and all meetings (except for the special Session meeting to examine some of the new officers) began with updates from the Covid Task Force, and the presentation and approval of several motions, all of which have been communicated to the congregation.  In April, the number of attendees in both the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall was increased from 25 to 35, and in May it was increased to 50 (in both cases, plus 5 for the Worship Team).  The mask mandate was revised for outdoor events to allow fully vaccinated individuals to remove their masks but requiring unvaccinated individuals to continue wearing a mask. 

The Communications and Technology Committee and its Audio/Visual Upgrade Working Group (including representatives of CPCBA staff, worship and music, financial, and property committees) presented a proposal outlining an investment of up to $27,500 to be taken from the Transformation Campaign for the following projects.  The team met with various vendors and expects to complete these projects by the September/October time frame.  Session approved the project.

  1. Installation of 2 projectors in the sanctuary and painting of the front wall (behind pulpit and piano) to enable video materials to be presented during worship and other events. 

  2. Purchase of Meeting Owl Pro to enhance remote participation in meetings and small groups.

  3. Purchase and installation of 2-3 additional cameras, new computer, and associated hardware and software.

  4. Improvements to audio/visual in Fellowship Hall; options being researched.

A congregational meeting was held on Sunday, May 2, both in-person and via Zoom.  The meeting opened in prayer by Pastor Giver-Johnston followed by the presentation of nominees for elder, deacon, nominating committee and auditing committee, all of whom were approved by the congregation.  The roles of treasurer, financial secretary, counters, and occasional counters were announced.  The Clerk presented amendments to the church bylaws which were sent out previously to all active members, and all were approved by the congregation.  The Personnel Committee presented a slight change to the Pastor’s Terms of Call (a fifth week of vacation which should have been approved at the February annual meeting) which was approved, and the congregation received an update on the Pastor Donna’s upcoming Sabbatical.

In May, after training sessions by pastor and examination by elders, Session wholeheartedly declared that the following persons were ready to serve as elders and deacons of the Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon, and that they were approved to be ordained and installed on Sunday, May 23, in-person during the worship service:  Elders: Patrick Abramowich, Kate Colville, Larry Jones, Bob Nadin, Chris Skerlong, and Linda Williams;  Deacons: Katie Abramowich, Stephen Mehlo, Amanda Miller, and Ed Stauffer.  The work of the church continues, and we look forward to working with our new officers.

On personnel related matters, Session approved the hiring of a temporary administrative assistant upon the departure of Tracey Mundorf, and we welcome Nicole Gehring!  Our church will also be welcoming a Pittsburgh Theological Seminary student, Caroline Baker, as a student intern for the 2021-2022 academic year.  Session also approved $5,000 for staff wage increases.  Increases were not included in the 2021 budget, however, during the annual meeting earlier this year, the Personnel & Finance committees reported they would be reviewing staff salaries in May to evaluate whether an increase could be given at that time. Members of the congregation had spoken in strong support of increasing salaries.

The church received a Payroll Protection Program loan last year as part of the US Government’s stimulus package.  The purpose of the loan was to ensure staff members remained employed, and upon submitting documentation that the funds had been used for payroll, the loan is forgiven.  The amount of the loan was $44,800 and Session approved splitting the funds with Wooden Ladder based on salary expenses.  Wooden Ladder received $15,941 and the church received $28,859.

Session approved transitioning the Fellowship Committee’s responsibilities to the Deacons effective July 1, 2021.  The duties and responsibilities align well with the Deacons’ role in supporting our congregation through fellowship and this change will also enable more people to serve in this role.

Sadly, Session accepted the resignations of Elders Deb Stuligross and Lila de Klaver who will both be relocating in the near future.  Their contributions have been significant, and they will be sorely missed.  Session extends its gratitude to Deb and Lila and wishes them all the best in their future endeavors!

Any questions, please send an email to

Diana Petruska
Clerk of Session