Session Highlights for August and September 2021



In keeping with the Sabbath theme of rest this past summer, Session did not meet in July, but resumed with a meeting on August 31 when we welcomed back Pastor Donna upon return from her Sabbatical. Session resumed its normal schedule (third Tuesday of the month) with a meeting in September.

Upon recommendation from the COVID Task Force, Session approved a Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination Policy requiring anyone – staff, volunteers, and contractors for both the church and Wooden Ladder - working with children under the age of 16 to provide proof of vaccination.  The policy was communicated in an email from the church in early September and may be found on the church website here.

The Wooden Ladder lead teachers and the board president were invited to the September Session meeting to provide an overview of the preschool program.  It was an informative session, and a good opportunity for the teachers to describe their successes in keeping the preschool open throughout the pandemic.  Session expressed an interest in further engaging the Wooden Ladder children and their families in the children’s activities of the church and expressed its appreciation to the Wooden Ladder staff and Board for all they do to provide this excellent resource to the community.

Pastor Donna informed Session that Caroline Baker, the seminary student intern, decided not to do an internship this year and so will not be joining us after all. We will miss working with her and wish her well in her studies at the Seminary in the upcoming year. 

An in-person congregational meeting was held on Sunday, September 12 to approve a nominee for deacon and approve a change to the terms of call.  The congregation approved the nomination of Susan Fink for deacon.  Session had approved a 2.5% raise for all staff members effective July 1, but any changes to the Pastor’s Terms of Call must be approved by the congregation.  The congregation approved the updated Terms of Call.  Pastor Donna shared a wonderful video of her travels this past summer to the Rocky Mountain National Forest, the beach in New Jersey, and Boston, MA. 

The next Session meeting is October 19.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Diana Petruska
Clerk of Session


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